Deep Dive Conversation with Jed Emerson
Ancient Greeks believed in a time before time called the Golden Age, when humanity lived in harmony with the gods; a time when we were truly free, a time to which we must seek a return. Our purpose then, and that of the resources and tools we control, such as capital, is to help us find our way back to that period of ancient enlightenment, actualization, and freedom, as individuals and as a global community of humanity and Planet. Aristotle spoke of how all things in the world had a purpose, a teleos, and for centuries this idea was how we structured our understanding of purpose. Teleos is a relevant concept even regarding chaos, relativity and field theories given the nature of the entity is defined only in regard to its relation relative to other objects and, at a subatomic level, its being under observation. By extension, capital performs best when viewed relative to its context, its portfolio and market community; its nature is determined as a function of its relation to other entities. The value of capital is best appreciated when we understand it as simultaneously economic and social and environmental with each of these components, in turn, continuously interacting and intertwined. Value manifests in diverse and various ways but is always more than economic value alone. Capital is about more than money; it is about freedom.
— From The Gift of Fire by Jed Emerson
Join us for a Deep Dive member conversation with Jed Emerson, author of the The Purpose of Capital and the IE Magazine article, The Gift of Fire.
NOTE: Premium Members can RSVP for this program now (make sure you are logged in). Others can purchase tickets beginning two weeks before the program (limited quantities).
About Our Deep Dives
Featured Guest
Jed Emerson
Originator of the concepts of Blended Value and Total Portfolio Management, Jed Emerson, Managing Director and Global Lead Impact Investing with Tiedemann Advisors, has extensive experience leading, staffing and advising funds, firms, social ventures and foundations pursuing financial performance with social/environmental impact. He is an internationally recognized thought leader in impact investing, social entrepreneurship and strategic philanthropy. Emerson has played founder roles with some of the nation’s leading venture philanthropy, community venture capital and social enterprises.
Time: 12:00 – 1:15 EST
Location: Virtual
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022