Education | Unconvention 2018
Villgro presents Education|Unconvention, a social enterprise conference bringing together Investors, Social Entrepreneurs, Leaders of Education NGOs, Government dignitaries and other ecosystem players to explore problems facing edupreneurs and to develop the social enterprise ecosystem further.
What can you expect?
Sector Specific conversations
The social enterprise ecosystem is evolving from a generic format to a more sector focused format and Education|Unconvention is embracing this spirit. Each conversation will deeply examine challenges unique to the Education to Employement continuum.
Innovation as the Solution
Unconvention seeks to emphasize the importance of innovations and sustainable market based models to solve persistent problems faced in the quest for improvement in the educational outcomes. The core of the conference explores the role of innovation in creating impact at the bottom of the pyramid while building sustainable enterprises
Location: Bangalore, India
Date: Friday, February 16, 2018