Feeling the Heat: Climate Change’s Impact on Worker Financial Security
In 2022, the U.S. experienced 18 separate climate disasters, each costing more than $1 billion in damages. This tally greatly underestimates the true cost of climate change – and its impact on workers. In a new study, the national nonprofit Commonwealth is examining the impact of climate change on workers, their financial security, and, ultimately, the places they work.
Companies have become increasingly cognizant of their impact on climate change in the environment in recent years, but a new area of study is the impact of climate change on workers – and its implications for worker productivity, employers’ bottom lines, and employees’ financial security.
Join us on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. ET to better understand the impact of extreme and unusual weather on workers living on low and moderate incomes – and, in particular, the impact on their financial situations.
In this conversation, our friends at Commonwealth will bring together experts for a first look at this original, new research about the realities of how climate change is currently and will continue to affect workers’ health, well-being, and living situations and host a robust discussion on what actions employers, policymakers, and financial institutions can take to mitigate this impact.
Time: 3:00 PM ET
Location: Virtual
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023