#HeiferTogether Live Chat: A conversation with author and award-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof
Heifer International CEO, Pierre Ferrari, will be joined by award-winning New York Times columnist on human rights and global affairs, Nicholas Kristof, to share his experience covering COVID-19 from New York City and the impact of the pandemic on developing countries.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Heifer International, an international development organization working in 21 countries to end rural hunger and poverty, is hosting live conversations with leaders in development, agriculture, philanthropy, impact investing, and more. Through this series, we will discuss what the international community can do to ensure food security for vulnerable populations during and post-COVID-19.
Visit the Heifer International website to see the full list of upcoming discussions: https://www.heifer.org/about-us/news/happenings-at-heifer/heifer-together-webinar-series.html
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Time: 12 pm ET
Location: Virtual
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2020