MAE: From Promise to Practice: Filling Your Equitable Evaluation Toolbox
We are pleased to announce Paul Elam as the keynote speaker for the 2022 virtual conference. The theme for this year’s conference is From Promise to Practice: Filling Your Equitable Evaluation Toolbox.
Cost: $40 non-members, $30 members, $20 students
Click Here for Full Session Descriptions
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a common experience of trauma for all of us. It also exposed disparities by race/ethnicity, income, and localities in many pertinent areas of our lives, including health care services, access to technology, and effective education. During this traumatic time, many of us strengthened our commitment to evaluations that can contribute to better promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Last year, our annual conference theme examined how we can begin to name the beliefs, norms, and practices that prevent evaluation, research, and learning from being in service of and contributing to equity. We heard from our participants that the topic is critical, and applications are of utmost importance. Therefore, MAE’s 27th Annual Conference will continue the conversation about the promise of equitable evaluation with a focus on practice. We are specifically looking for submissions that provide practical evaluation tools and strategies for conducting evaluations in ways that contribute to equitable evaluation processes and equitable societal outcomes. Some examples include evaluation with hard to reach groups, participatory evaluation, storytelling, collective impact, use of media literacy strategies, data visualization, and evaluation of social change and community organizing initiatives.
If you are interested in becoming a conference sponsor, please visit our sponsorships page.
For questions, please contact the Conference Committee Co-chairs: Tomoko Wakabayashi
( or Ebony Reddock (
Location: Virtual
Dates: May 12, 2022 - May 13, 2022