Opening the Pandora Box: Exploring the Most Demanded Research Topics in the Financial Inclusion Space

Webinar organised by the e-MFP ‘From Research to Practice and Back Again’ Action Group

In recent years, the effects of the Covid-19 crisis, natural disasters caused by climate change, migration and people’s displacement caused by human conflicts amongst others have shifted the interests of the financial inclusion sector in how to best reach vulnerable segments of the population with convenient, accessible, affordable and safe financial and non-financial services and products.

The plethora of areas and topics that financial inclusion stakeholders are focusing on to deal with the current problems is vast and diverse. This leads to questions such as ‘What is the area with most interest in the financial inclusion sector? Is it gender? Regulation? Financial education?’ Under this context, their Action Group “From Research to Practice and Back Again” conducted an electronic survey with key stakeholders such as Financial Service Providers (FSPs), NGOs, investors, research centres, etc. The aim of this survey was to find out what areas and topics were the main priorities in terms of knowledge and research and from this point, to explore potential areas of collaboration across stakeholders.

This webinar will present the main results of the survey at a high level and will organise breakout sessions to explore the three main topics and areas identified in the survey in more depth and test the appetite of the audience for potential collaborations. They will welcome FSPs, academics, investors, regulators and any actor interested in how to improve financial inclusion.


  • Davide Castellani and Max Niño-Zarazua, co-Heads of the e-MFP ‘From Research to Practice and Back Again’ Action Group
  • Lucia Zanardi, Financial Inclusion Consultant

Time: 3 pm CEST/ 2 pm GMT

Location: Virtual

Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021