Resilience in the Face of Change

To drive a successful, sustainable business, leaders must stay ahead of consumer and technology trends, adapt to macroeconomic factors and be set up to navigate sudden disruptions. While the covid-19 pandemic catapulted organisations globally into unknown territory, further uncertainties remain. Geopolitical frictions and fractures are disrupting supply chains. Climate change is an increasingly pervasive threat to societies globally. The looming impacts of the “great resignation” are daunting, not just because of a shortage of talent, but also the investment needed in added recruitment and training, as well as general disruption to operations.

Change management and digital inclusion are priorities as businesses adapt to changing market dynamics and operational pressures. How can resilience be built into business models to maintain profitability, retain talent and support business growth amid the potential storms ahead? In the face of a global scarcity of talent, and with a potential recession looming, how can companies best maximise their resources?

This Economist Impact webinar, sponsored by UiPath, will examine where business leaders should focus attention and investment to increase resilience amid shifting markets and potential disruption.

Key Questions

  • What geopolitical, economic and socioeconomic trends will have the greatest impact on businesses in the next 12 months?
  • Where are business leaders prioritising investment and planning for increased resilience?
  • What role can digital solutions play in empowering employees to undertake more engaging and rewarding work?
  • How can businesses ensure inclusion with the rise in remote working?
  • How can businesses balance short-term operational pressures with longer-term strategy and priorities?

Time: 2:30 BST | 9:30 EDT

Location: Virtual

Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2022