The Africa Agribusiness Incubation Conference & Expo
The largest spectacle and business platform in African incubation, the African Agribusiness Conference and Expo 2017 is set for Dakar, Senegal for another 3 days of pure business from the 8th to 10th of November, 2017.
High on the agenda is the role of agribusiness incubation and thematic side-events addressing existing bottlenecks to agribusiness development in Africa with the guiding theme of “Turning Science into Business.”
Like the inaugural edition, the second 5th October Africa Youth in Agribusiness Day will be hosted by the youth at the centre with all events tailor-made for the youth.
From 450 delegates in Nairobi, Kenya in 2015 to 900 in Accra Ghana 2016, this business boosting spectacle is calling for more seats to accommodate the demand come November 2017 in Dakar.
Conference Package
For the official invitation, conference concept and program please click here
Location: Dakar, Senegal
Dates: November 8, 2017 - November 10, 2017