The ‘Other’ IRR

Investing in financial inclusion from an Impact, Risk and Return perspective

In many developing and emerging economies the financial sector reaches only a small fraction of the population, limiting people to manage their daily lives, develop their entrepreneurial skills and actively contribute to economic growth. While the traditional IRR – Internal Rate of Return – focuses on the profitability of an investment, we believe that investing in financial inclusion needs the lens of Impact, Risk and Return, the ‘other’ IRR.  Triodos Investment Management has been one the leading investors in financial inclusion for over two decades.

Our financial inclusion experts, Tim Crijns and Maritza Cabezas, together with our guest speakers Sasha Dichter and Devin Olmack, from 60 Decibel, will give you insights into this global challenge and opportunity from an Impact, Risk and Return perspective.

This webinar answers your questions on:

  • Impact: How strong is the evidence that financial inclusion works?
  • Risk: Is investing in financial inclusion a ‘risky business’ and is there a trade-off with a solid financial return?
  • Return: How can you, as an investor, contribute to reaching the 1.4 billion adults and tens of millions of small businesses that are still unbanked?

Time: 11:00-11:45 (CEST)

Location: Virtual

Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2022