Webinar: Creative places and businesses catalyzing creative growth
CDFIs have been investing in creative places and businesses for decades as a fundamental part of developing healthy, vibrant, and sustainable communities. Now, investable opportunities in the creative economy total more than $1.5 billion. This type of investment has the potential to stabilize threatened communities and benefit regions looking to attract and develop quality jobs.
Please join Opportunity Finance Network and Upstart Co-Lab on Thursday, May 3 at 2:30pm ET for a webinar exploring creative places and businesses as part of comprehensive community development.
Featured speakers:
- Betsy Biemann, Chief Executive Officer, Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
- Clara Miller, President Emerita, F.B. Heron Foundation
- Alan Ramirez, Director of Lending, Colorado Enterprise Fund
Laura Callanan, Founding Partner, Upstart Co-Lab will moderate.
Suggested pre-reads for the webinar:
- Capital for Creativity, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall 2017
- Creative Places and Businesses: Catalyzing Growth in Communities, April 2017
Please also consider completing this optional survey to help us quantify the capital deployed to creative places and creative businesses in low income communities in America today.
Location: Virtual
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018