Webinar: What Management Practices Bring Inclusive Business to Scale?

To achieve inclusive business growth and scale, companies not only need to have the right products, services and business model, but also the appropriate management practices. Base of the Pyramid (BoP) markets require the adaptation of traditional management practices or the development of new ones. The multinational corporations (MNCs) engaging in the BoP market are often faced with unfamiliar contexts, new kinds of customers and suppliers, thin and volatile operating margins, and long timeframes to scale and produce financial returns.

Based on the Business Call to Action’s recently launched report documenting the findings drawn from a decade of experience engaging with inclusive business globally, this live webinar will explore how innovative management practices tailored to the BoP market can provide competitive advantage, ensure a better understanding and responsiveness to stakeholders, and balance short-term stability with long-term viability. The panel of experts features companies who took part in the What Does It Take to Go Big report.

This event is part of the Inclusive Business Boost series funded by the UK Department for International Development.

Location: Virtual

Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2019