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  • NextThought Monday: Market, Government and Finding Synergies Between the Two

    It’s easy to let advocacy - the process of scaling a solution through policy change - slip into the distance and focus on the market-based approach to scale. Social change has swung toward the market-based approach to scale and largely lost sight of the other method, which involves those sometimes taboo words: institutions, lobbying, and policy.

  • Proteak’s IPO Journey, Part II: Lessons Learned

    In part one of my interview with Proteak Founder Hector Bonilla, he explained why the Mexico-based sustainable timber company decided to go public. In the part two he shares how the initial public offering changed the company for the long-term, and shares advice for social entrepreneurs and their investors seeking a successful financial exit.

    financial inclusion
  • On the Quest for Exits: Proteak’s Successful IPO

    In the impact investing sector, conversations about the need for financial exits abound, but there are scant few cases. Proteak, a Mexico renewable tropical forestry company that sells conflict-free plantation teak wood products, is one sterling example. In a two-part interview, Proteak Founder Hector Bonilla walks us through the firm’s 2010 IPO.

    Education, Environment
    impact investing
  • The Doughnut Hole in Sustainable Finance

    Despite the recent upsurge in attention to "social," "impact," and "clean tech" investing, there is still a structural gap ? a doughnut hole ? in sustainable finance. But this also means that there is a huge opportunity for visionary financiers to invent the new investment categories and asset classes needed to fill this gap.

    Environment, Technology
    Base of the Pyramid, impact investing, sustainable finance
  • SOCAP11: Waste Management that Works

    Parag Gupta, founder and CEO of Waste Ventures recently told me that urban India produces a mound of garbage that weighs twice as much as the Empire State Building every week. In that big pile of trash, Gupta and his team identified a glowing opportunity for economic, social, and environmental impact.

    Environment, Health Care
    business development, poverty alleviation, waste
  • Serving the Trillion Dollar BoP Energy Market

    Not everyone wants to spend their weekend in a conference room discussing challenges like benchmarking low-cost solar home lighting systems, finding the right business model, and raising the seed capital. But for the 11 social entrepreneurs gathered with experts and the CSTS Clean Energy Sector team, there’s no place else we would have rather been.

    Energy, Environment
    Base of the Pyramid, business development, clean cooking, solar
  • Heating Homes With Human Waste is Saving Lives and Tigers in Nepal

    Dirt gets a bad rap. I’m sitting on a dirt floor in Badreni, Nepal, in a home built largely of dirt (waddle and daub) and there’s nothing dirty at all about this place. I’m a guest in a biogas home--one of 7,500 the WWF has helped build to date and one of 40,000 that will dot this Nepalese landscape five years from now. A small but powerful blue flame whispers in the corner and brings light to the faces of my host family. That flame lights and heats the home; it also warms t...

    Fast Company (link opens in a new window)
  • INNOVARE or the Phenomenon of the Unprecedented Question

    Alejandro Aravena is one of the most internationally successful Chilean architects for his work in ELEMENTAL, a for profit "Do Tank" project with social interests that works on public impact projects at the Catholic University of Chile and COPEC. Aravena did what few can do: focus on asking the right questions to clearly define a problem to solve.

    Environment, Impact Assessment
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