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  • The FOUND Middle Series: Identifying Opportunities in China

    Next in our video series we introduce you to Richard Roque, managing director of SA Capital Limited, a Hong Kong private investment company focused on triple bottom line impact investments. In this interview he discusses how SA Capital seeks to identify and invest in social businesses in China.

  • The Beauty of Bricks and Mortar: Low-cost Housing as a Foundation for Impact

    At Acumen Fund, we feel it is high time for the dynamic to change - for the social enterprise sector to recognize the need to catalyze and support affordable housing across emerging markets. But we know there are forces working against us that cause housing to be treated like the forgotten stepchild of the social enterprise sector.

    housing, impact investing
  • Guest Post: Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund’s Competitions Focusing on Agribusiness, Climate Change

    The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund, which invests in businesses seeking commercially viable and high development impact projects in Africa, has launched three new competitions. Two will focus on agribusiness development in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Sudan, and renewable energy to help small farmers in East Africa to adapt to climate change.

    Environment, Investing
    venture capital
  • Housing Series: Establishing Quality Standards for Affordable Housing

    Who enforces building standards? If customers are sold a home with sub-standard construction or materials - or their neighbor builds a dangerously unstable structure - what recourse do BoP citizens have? The certification prices we are developing is not a one-time "stamp of approval." Rather, it starts with pre-building and lasts over time.

    Base of the Pyramid, housing
  • Engaging Peer-to-Peer Networks for Enterprise Selection: A New Pilot VC Model for the Impact Sector

    Ross Baird, executive director of Village Capital (VilCap), identified one of the sector’s main problems: even though there are over 300 funds that label themselves as impact funds, fewer than five will invest in deals that are $250,000 or less. VilCap aims to radically democratize this mismatch between investors and impact enterprises.

    Impact Assessment, Investing
    venture capital
  • The FOUND Middle: Arogyam Organics

    As part the "FOUND Middle" series, we share this interview with Kanmani Arumugasamy of Arogyam Organics Pvt. Ltd. Based in India, Arogyam works to promote organic products and improve the quality of life of local farmers by reducing middle man costs. This video is one of many highlighting businesses and organizations making up the "missing middle."

    Agriculture, Investing
  • Bridging the Investor-Entrepreneur Gap

    India has developed a well-deserved reputation as a hotbed of social enterprise activity. Yet, India’s wealth of ventures face significant challenges in their efforts to build and then scale. Guidance from seasoned investors who have analyzed countless enterprises is critical, and the driving force behind the Sankalp Investor-Entrepreneur Clinics.

    Investing, Social Enterprise
    venture capital
  • ANDE Moves From Analysis to Action

    While it still represents "pocket change" compared to the heavy hitters of private equity and microfinance institutional lending, the small and growing business investment sector is growing. This was the prevailing view from the annual Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs Conference 2011, the organization’s third such summit.

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