
ViewChange Video of the Week: Community Enterprise In India

Editor’s Note: The following video is one in a series from ViewChange, a multimedia organization managed by LinkTV and founded with support by the Gates Foundation, that is producing and procuring educational and inspiring videos from across the developing world. NextBillion is partnering with ViewChange to share these stories of enterpreneurship against the odds with the NextBillion community.

The Gram Mooligal Company Limited in India is owned entirely by rural villagers who gather and cultivate medicinal plants. Its work promotes sustainable harvesting, while connecting mostly female villagers into the supply chain of larger herbal companies. The effort has helped many women break the cycle of poverty, while providing training and new skills to workers and the broader community.

For more information, check out this past post on Gram Mooligal by NextBillion.

Produced by UN in Action. Find out more about community-based commerce in India.

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