March 31

NextBillion Editor

Coronavirus Resources for the Social Impact Sector [UPDATED 12/6]

UPDATED 12.6.21

The coronavirus pandemic is forcing businesses everywhere to make difficult decisions to adapt to the crisis – and the stakes are particularly high for companies in low- and middle-income countries. On top of the multiple challenges they already faced, these enterprises now must make urgent decisions that will likely have long-lasting ramifications—not just for themselves, but for their employees, suppliers, investors and, ultimately, their customers.

At NextBillion, our mission is to deliver actionable information and analysis to serve the development through enterprise space. To advance that goal, we’ve launched this resource page to keep our readers informed about emerging opportunities, trends, events and other developments that can help impact-focused businesses and initiatives weather these challenging times.

Below, you’ll find links to:

  • Resources – e.g.: funding opportunities, strategies for adapting to the crisis, etc.
  • Events – including virtual events related to the pandemic, and conferences and other development-focused events that have shifted to an online format
  • Analysis of emerging trends, both on NextBillion and other sites
  • Breaking news from other media sources on how the business and development sectors are responding to the crisis

We hope this information will help you navigate the difficult and often confusing months ahead.

We’ll be updating this page regularly, so check back often—and please share any opportunities or important developments that may interest our readers by emailing them to nextbillion@gmail.com with the subject line: COVID-19.

Thank you, and stay safe.

–NextBillion’s Editorial Team  


News Icon

coronavirus News for the business and development sectors

 FEATURED:  Aspen Pharmacare, Pursuing J&J Vaccine License, Aims to Shore up Local Capacity and Quash Shot Inequality in Africa




Calendar Icon

Coronavirus-Focused Events

 FEATURED:  Supporting Women’s Work, Entrepreneurship, and Skills Development in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence and Policy for Bangladesh




Virtual Meeting Icon

Virtual Events in the social sector

 FEATURED:  Accelerating Outcome Learning for Social Enterprises




Analysis Icon

coronavirus Analysis

 FEATURED:  Analysis: Private Asset Impact Funds Show Resilience in the Face Of The COVID-19 Pandemic, Forecast Double-digit Growth In 2021





Resources Icon

covid-19 Resources for the business and development sectors

60 Decibels’ COVID-19 Dashboard

60 Decibels’ Remote Survey Toolkit

200 Million Artisans: COVID-19 India Support Hub

Abaca’s COVID-19 Coalition

Abaca’s COVID-19 Response Pipeline

ACCION’s COVID-19 Response and Resources

Action Against Corona funding platform

Africa Management Institute’s Business Survival Bootcamp

Amalgamated Foundation’s Families and Workers Fund

ANDE COVID-19 Response and Resources

ANDE Impact Measurement and Management In the Context of Coronavirus

ANDE Issue Brief: The Small and Growing Business Sector and the COVID-19 Crisis

Banking On Women and the Undeserved During COVID-19 (Podcast)

Beeck Center for Social Impact’s Impact Community Job Matching Platform

Bill Gates on Coronavirus Response (Video)

BFA Global’s COVID-19 response

Bridge for Billions Online Entrepreneurship Programs

Bridgespan Group’s Resources for Nonprofits and Funders during the COVID-19 crisis

Business Fights Poverty’s Business & COVID-19 Response Centre

Business Fights Poverty COVID-19 Response Framework

Business Fights Poverty: India and COVID-19 Call to Action

Call for Code Challenge: Calling students to join the fight against COVID-19

Cartier Women’s Initiative’s COVID-19 Resources & Ongoing Opportunities for Women Social Impact Entrepreneurs

CASE at Duke’s COVID-19 Capital Relief funding database

Challenges Group’s Enterprise Resilience Programme

Connective Impact: Getting Clear on Your Fundraising Strategy for Post-COVID Resiliency 

Council on Foundation’s Call to Action: Philanthropy’s Commitment During COVID-19

Covid-finclusion.org: A forum for the financial inclusion sector to discuss responses to COVID-19

C-CAMP’s COVID-19 Innovations Deployment Accelerator

CGAP’s Response to Coronavirus

Devex’s COVID-19 Resource Page

Devex’s Interactive Map of COVID-19 Funding Data

Echoing Green’s Response to COVID-19

EnergyBot’s Coronavirus Energy Resource Guide

Engage for Good’s COVID-19 Social Impact Resource Page

European Microfinance Platform’s COVID-19 Financial Inclusion Compass

European Microfinance Platform Members’ Responses to COVID-19

FASE Impact Investors Barometer

Financial Health Network’s COVID-19 Resources

FinDev Gateway’s COVID-19 Resource Hub

FinMark Trust’s COVID-19 Tracker

Five Ways Impact Investors Can Deal with the COVID-19 Dilemma

GIIN Response to COVID-19

Global Trade Professionals Alliance’s Forums on Maintaining a Healthy Business in Times of Global Crisis

GOGLA’S COVID-19 Resource Center

Grameen America’s COVID-19 Response Center

GSMA’s COVID-19 Mobile for Development: Updates and Guidance

Health Innovation Exchange’s Coronavirus Innovation Map

IIX’s COVID-19 Resilience Tool

IMF’s tracker of Policy Responses to COVID-19

ImpactAssets’ COVID Response Fund

Impact Investing in COVID-19 Times: A Three-Step Mission

India Development Review’s COVID-19 News and Updates

Intellecap’s East Africa Guide: Angel Investing During a Time of Crisis

International Food Policy Research Institute’s COVID-19 blogs

Investor Toolkit on Human Rights from IAHR and ICCR

IPA’s Research for Effective COVID19 Responses (RECOVR)

J-PAL’s Best Practices for Conducting Phone Surveys

Kyle Westaway’s Entrepreneur COVID-19 Playbook

MaRS COVID-19 Resources

McKinsey & Company’s COVID-19 Implications for Business

Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship’s COVID-19 Crisis Management Resources

Mission Driven Finance’s COVID-19 Resources

MIT Solve’s Health Security & Pandemics Challenge

Mobenzi’s free tools to help stakeholders assess the socio-economic impact of COVID-19

MSC’s COVID-19 Resources and Research: “Responding to the Other Pandemic”

Nine Ways to React to a Global Pandemic if You Run a Small Social Enterprise

OpenIDEO’s COVID-19 Business Pivot Challenge

OpenIDEO’s COVID-19 Communication Challenge

Open Road Alliance’s COVID-19 funding resources

Opportunity Fund’s Small Business Relief Fund

Oxfam International’s COVID-19 articles

Pioneers Post COVID-19 Coverage

Pivoting in a Pandemic

Post-Pandemic Funding Solutions for Struggling Social Entrepreneurs

Refugee Entrepreneurs in COVID-19 Resilience Fund (RECOVR Fund)

Response, Recovery and Resilience Investment Coalition

Rippleworks’ Practical Guidance for Social Ventures During COVID-19

Rural & Agricultural Finance Learning Lab’s COVID-19 Emergency Briefing Series

Safe People + Data Initiative

Scaling Through Mass Disruption

SOCAP’s Resources to Support Social Entrepreneurs During the COVID-19 Crisis

Social Enterprise Alliance’s COVID-19 Resources

Social Performance Task Force’s COVID-19 Resources

Socialsuite’s Free COVID-19 Social Impact Assessment

Sopact’s Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Social Impact Indicators in COVID-19

Sopact’s Outcome Evaluation and Impact Metrics with COVID -19 Learnings

Sorenson Impact Foundation’s COVID-19 Coalition

SSIR’s Rethinking Social Change in the Face of Coronavirus Series

Startup Blink: Coronavirus Innovation Map

Surviving Disasters and Supporting Recovery: A Guidebook for Microfinance Institutions

TechnoServe’s guide “The Coronavirus and Entrepreneurs in the Developing World: Learning to Support Businesses in Crisis”

Turn Your COVID-19 Solution into a Viable Business

TrustLaw’s collection of legal resources addressing the implications of COVID-19 for non-profits and social enterprises

UNCDF Response to COVID-19

Unitus Ventures’ COVID Resources

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Resources to Help Your Small Business Survive the Coronavirus

Using the Flexibility of Civil Society to Overcome COVID-19

U.S. Small Business Administration COVID-19 Small Business Guidance and Loan Resources

U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance Loans for Small Businesses Impacted by Coronavirus

Village Capital’s COVID-19 Coverage

Village Reach’s COVID-19 Response

Virtual Communities for Impact’s Beginner Toolkit

Ways to Activate Your ImpactAssets Donor Advised Fund During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Women’s Financial Resiliency as it Relates to COVID-19

Women’s World Banking COVID-19 Resources

World Economic Forum’s COVID Action Platform

World Economic Forum’s COVID Response Alliance for Social Entrepreneurs


Photo courtesy of geralt.




Coronavirus, Social Enterprise
COVID-19, impact investing