$10 million Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to support smallholder farmers
Unilever, Acumen and the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, an initiative of the Clinton Foundation, have launched a landmark Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Commitment to Action called the Enhanced Livelihoods Investment Initiative (ELII) to improve the livelihoods of as many as 300,000 smallholder farmers and their communities in Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
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- Agriculture
NexThought Monday – Why Exiting Our MFI was the Best Way to Ramp Up Impact
In 2009 Sammie Rayner co-founded a microfinance nonprofit called Lumana, which was designed to provide loans and financial services in rural Ghana. Four years later Lumana’s MFI operations were spun off in a deal with a Ghanian NGO. In discussing their decision to exit, she cautions nonprofits against getting too attached to the ongoing survival of their mission.
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- Agriculture
The True Measure of Land’s Value
In working with women to increase family income, we might launch initiatives that increase household income and help the family out of the poverty trap. But women, the primary stakeholders of these initiatives, will still be trapped in their underprivileged status within the family and society.
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- Agriculture
How to Make Good on Gates’ Big Bets? : By doubling down on bundled solutions
The Bill and Melinda Gates’ 2015 letter identifies four “big bets” that could lead us to a future with vastly reduced levels of poverty. At the Grameen Foundation we are bundling two of these “bets” - financial services with practical information on good farming practices - into a unified push to reduce rural poverty.
- Categories
- Agriculture, Technology
2015 – The Breakout Year for Agriculture Digital Payments?
For digital finance to really expand throughout the developing world this year, it needs greater uptake among the rural poor, says Lee Babcock. To achieve that, the sector must think about how best to strategically insert digital finance into the agriculture value chain. He explores a number of ongoing initiatives that are focused on doing just that.
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- Agriculture
Impact and Risk Metrics…in Smallholder Finance and Beyond: Three new metrics collaboration tools from the Initiative for Smallholder Finance
In financing smallholder farmers, there’s a gap of over $400 billion between demand and supply. Impact and risk metrics can play an important role in closing that gap, but current metrics are confusing to industry leaders and daunting to potential new entrants. The Initiative for Smallholder Finance has created three new metrics collaboration tools to help clarify the space.
- Categories
- Agriculture, Impact Assessment
What Was 2014’s Most Influential Post?: You tell us – VOTE
In 2014, we published more than 570 blog posts. Now it’s your turn. We need your vote for NextBillion’s annual Most Influential Post contest. Last year’s contest attracted more than 16,000 ballots. That was huge – we’d be thrilled to do even better this year if we can. So please vote early and vote often. You can vote once a day, and for multiple posts if you choose. Please share this link or the contest link itself with your friends, family and colleagues.
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- Agriculture
NexThought Monday – How Latin America Can Feed the World : Our biggest challenge lies in how we work together
Family farms in Mexico and Central America average five acres, and most of these produce only enough to feed themselves. The central challenge is helping these subsistence farmers use their five acres to become small businesses and engines of the local economy.
- Categories
- Agriculture