Subscribe to NextBillion Notes, our weekly newsletter
You probably know what NextBillion is about – we explore market-based solutions to problems in emerging economies. Our goal is to raise awareness of the challenges facing the world’s poorest 4 billion people and to provide a platform to discuss the enterprises, investments and innovations that are improving their lives – and that could even reshape entire economies.
That’s a broad mission. We address it by inviting business leaders, social entrepreneurs, NGO managers, policymakers, academics – as many people as possible – into a discussion oriented around multiple topics and sectors. Along with guest posts, we editors also produce content: There’s an editor-curated newsfeed, a calendar of important events and a career center with continuously updated job opportunities.
That’s a lot to digest, and that’s why we started NextBillion Notes, a weekly e-newsletter that offers a snapshot of NextBillion, including links to our most thought-provoking posts, compelling quotes, photos and other highlights.
The newsletter, in short, is designed to be a crib sheet for anyone interested in exploring the connection between development and enterprise.
We know you receive a lot of email. We don’t want to contribute to the logjam in your inbox; we respect the fact that your time is precious. Our goal is to create a useful tool that helps you access, explore and then act on what you find in Nextbillion.
You can sign up for NextBillion Notes here. Give it a read and let us know if we’re meeting the goals described above … and please feel free to share the link!
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