Articles by Gabriel Sánchez Campbell
August 27
2012TechnoServe Launches Program to Boost Development of Central American and African Businesses
Some 560 SMEs will be able to develop their businesses through a new entrepreneurship development program, “Impulsa Tu Empresa (Boost Your Business), that TechnoServe plans to implement in Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Burkina Faso in Africa. The program, supported by the Argidius Foundation, is designed to give mentoring and business training for entrepreneurs.
- Categories
- Agriculture, Education
May 4
2012Mini Case Study: Partnership Creates New Source of Income for Farmers in Brazil
In the south of the Brazilian state of Bahia, three organizations are uniting to implement an economic development project that is generating benefits for 60 farmers who live on settlements created after agrarian reform. The two-year pilot project is creating shared value by reorienting how a Brazilian company integrates farmers from poor communities into its value chain.
- Categories
- Agriculture
January 25
2012A New Methodology for Teaching Finance
In Nicaragua, Iveth Juárez, a small business owner who processes and sells cereal to the local market, had attended seminars, workshops, courses and training sessions on accounting and finance. But at the end of each session, she always felt the same sense of confusion. Juárez is one of more than 400 entrepreneurs in Latin America and Africa who have benefited from a new TechnoServe methodology for teaching accounting and basic financial topics.
- Categories
- Agriculture