Articles by Phil LaRocco
Guest Articles
October 13
2021Bringing Cooking Poverty off the SDG Sidelines: A New Study Takes a Fresh Look at the Clean Cooking Challenge
Dirty cooking negatively affects almost four billion people and kills over 4 million each year – more than tuberculosis, malaria and HIV-AIDS combined. As Phil LaRocco at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs argues, the issue is one of the largest unsolved public health and equality crises humanity has ever faced – and failing to address it will put the Sustainable Development Goals out of reach. He explores why previous and ongoing clean cooking efforts have failed, and outlines some potential solutions that could finally turn things around, based on a recent study out of Columbia University.
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- Energy, Environment, Impact Assessment
Guest Articles
July 28
2021Clean Cooking is Heading for Failure: Why the Sector Needs a Real Strategy – Not Just a List of Ideas
Almost 4 billion people across 71 countries are impacted by inefficient, dirty cooking fuels. Yet as Phil LaRocco at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs points out, progress toward addressing this long-standing global crisis has stalled. He argues that the "Systems Strategy" proposed by the influential NGO the Clean Cooking Alliance and the global consulting firm Dalberg is not enough to change the sector’s current trajectory. Instead, he urges clean cooking stakeholders to embrace a coherent, ecosystem-wide strategy, outlining three potential alternative approaches.
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- Energy, Environment
October 19
2009Utilities as Decentralized Energy Delivery Platforms
In a prior post I commented on the potential of utilities to serve as a platform for expansion into a non-traditional area: decentralized energy. It was suggested that it would be helpful to provide more cost information and he kindly suggested some resources. It’s more relevant and more important that you reverse-engineer the product search...
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August 27
2009Platforms and Stuff
If you have not read the three recent and related posts by Francisco Mejia and Manuel Bueno please do. This post by me actually tries to add to the brain food they have supplied (thanks guys) but more likely just makes a muddle of their clear thinking.
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August 12
2009Reality TV for the BoP: Development Idol
In an effort to frame the debate and discussion regarding scale versus just about everything else, NextBillion is pleased to bring you the first and perhaps the last episode of a new reality series, "Development Idol". All characters, especially the one with a real name, are fictional...
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July 30
2009An Open Letter to the Development Posse: Lighten Up Already!
The Development Posse needs to lighten up. Nothing works as planned. Thinking it should leads to whining, drama and trying to make water run uphill. When stuff inevitably happens, make the course correction and acknowledge it. Our job is to be less sincere, less certain, more agnostic and do those few things that eliminate barriers to choice.
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