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  • ’Bottom of the Pyramid’ and ’Next Billion’ on Wikipedia

    Key terms to the Development through Enterprise discussion, Leah and I, interns at the World Resources Institute, have posted definitions of ?Bottom of the Pyramid? and of ?Next Billion? on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. We want these definitions to...

  • Rob Katz

    Off-grid rural electrification for $25

    A recent article (available here, PDF)in the journal Science tackles theproblem of electrification in low-income households with analysis showcasing arobust technical solution that could be made available for US$25 fixed-cost,without subsidy. The technology,solar-powered...

  • John Paul

    The Sustainable Livelihoods Experience

    The World Business Council for Sustainable Development has released its ’Sustainable Livelihoods video library’, an online video gallery showcasing the views of global business leaders about Sustainable Livelihoods and how they are actually implementing the approach in their companies. The...

  • Rob Katz

    Business Skeptical of the Millennium Development Goals

    Fast Company’s Jessica Silverman reports from the UN in Friday’s FCNow blog. Ms. Silverman may represent business’ point of viewwhen it comes to issues surrounding the MDGs - that is, the MDGs are sowide-ranging and vague, they risk becoming trite. I don’t know if Icompletely agree...

  • John Paul

    Resources for Cross-Sector Collaboration aimed at Pro-poor Enterprise Development

    I’ve recently come across several reports written by Linda Mayoux that may be of interest to readers of this blog, particularly those looking for a better understanding of how to go about establishing cross-sector partnerships aimed at pro-poor enterprise development.? The first -...

  • Rob Katz

    Rural Innovations Network and “Technology Outwards”

    Thanksto Jamais Cascio and his excellent World Changing weblog, I recently learned about India?sRural Innovations Network (RIN).RIN is a non-profit organization that functions as ?part business incubator,part fabrication and market research facility;? through partnerships...

  • John Paul

    Job Creation to Eliminate Poverty

    Kurt Hoffman of the Shell Foundation wrote an interesting piece for the Guardian today that comments on one of the main conundrums facing current poverty reduction efforts: that job creation offers the best chance for poor people to escape poverty permanently, but the development community...

  • Rob Katz

    Bush Won’t Double Aid for Africa

    In today’s New York Times, Elizabeth Becker and David Sangerreport that President Bush refuses to deviate from his administration’s policynot to increase aid for Africa, despite strong supportfor such a proposal from US allies including Great Britain.? Thus, in the run-up to the...

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