Paths (and Potholes) Ahead: Findings and Themes in the e-MFP Financial Inclusion Compass 2024

The Financial Inclusion Compass series was launched in 2018 as an annual survey of financial inclusion stakeholders to understand their perceptions of current trends, future priority areas and generally their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing the sector. It has since grown to be one of the most important resources used by financial inclusion stakeholders, a unique perspective of what providers, funders, researchers, technical assistance providers and various others see as important – and not.

The Financial Inclusion Compass 2024 is the seventh edition in this series by the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP), and has new questions to ask – on fraud, biodiversity, reputation, missed opportunities and even what “financial inclusion” actually means: is it, beyond re-branding, meaningfully different from “microfinance”?

To present and discuss some of these ideas will be the Compass project lead and lead author Sam Mendelson, and he’ll be joined by Deborah Foy, Executive Director of Opportunity International; Philippe Guichandut, Secretary-General of Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation; and Dr. Asongo Abraham, COO of Standard Microfinance Bank Nigeria.

Time: 18 June 2024 at 16:00:00 (CEST) / 10:00 am EST

Location: Virtual

Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024