
Edward T. Jackson
E. T. Jackson and Associates Ltd.

Edward T. Jackson is a university professor, management consultant and editor specializing in evaluation, impact management, strategy and ecosystem building in impact investing, blended finance and gender lens investing in Africa, Asia and the Americas.

He has advised the Australian, Canadian, Danish, Swiss and UK development cooperation programs, the Rockefeller and Mastercard foundations, the Caribbean Development Bank, Emerging Markets Impact Investment Fund, Impact Investing Ghana, International Development Research Centre, Inter-American Development Bank, OECD, United Nations Environment Program, UN Women, and the World Bank.

Dr. Jackson is Senior Research Fellow at Carleton University, Honorary Associate with the Institute of Development Studies, and President of E.T. Jackson and Associates Ltd. He is co-editor of a special issue of the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment on growing gender lens investing in emerging markets, and co-director of a Carleton University research project on jobs, gender and the energy transition in developing economies.


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