Articles by Stuart Hart
Guest Articles
May 15
2019Stuart Hart / Fernando Casado Cañeque
Taking the ‘Green Leap’: How Linking BoP Business and Clean Tech Can Build an Inclusive Economy
In this era of environmental degradation and climate change, aiming to eradicate poverty before addressing the environment will simply not work. The challenge of our time, say Stuart Hart and Fernando Casado Cañeque, is to figure out how to commercialize new clean technologies, while extending the economic benefits to vulnerable communities – what they term a global “green leap.” They discuss this challenge in their new book, and share some key takeaways here. (NextBillion will be giving away a free chapter of the book in our e-newsletter, NextBillion Notes, all month.)
- Categories
- Energy, Environment
March 13
2017Heeding the Voice of the Planet: Why CSR Isn’t Enough
Academic and author Stuart Hart writes that we have inadvertently put most of our chips on continuous improvement inside of current fossil fuel-based businesses and have largely forgotten about the critical importance of disruption, innovation and transformational change to corporate sustainability. How do we move business from the folly of competing for corporate sustainability ratings to actually making a difference? It starts with providing the right incentives, Hart says.
- Categories
- Energy, Environment, Technology
- Tags
- renewable energy
March 10
2014NexThought Monday – The Dark Side of Reverse Engineering
A key difference between reverse innovation and the earlier work on base of the pyramid strategy is the promise – even expectation – of large and profitable up-market migration for the innovations incubated in the underserved space. This thinking has upsides, and potentially, a very dark side.
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- Uncategorized
May 17
2013Putting the Horse Back in Front of the Cart: The dominant model of business education is broken
We desperately need new models of business education and entrepreneurial development appropriate to the challenges we face in the 21st century, which include epidemic inequality, ecosystem degradation, and a looming climate crisis.It is for this reason that I have become closely involved in the founding of the new Emergent Institute (originally the Indian Institute for Sustainable Enterprise), based in Bangalore, India.
- Categories
- Education, Environment
June 29
2012The Hidden Agenda at Rio+20
As everyone knows by now, the "main event" – the official negotiations among government leaders –was a disappointment. The general consensus among participants was that the official agreement, spelled out in agonizing detail in a document entitled "The Future We Want," would not produce the future we want. It is, at best, an exercise in rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. As the week wore on, it became clear to me that the so-called "side events" (organized by companies, NGOs, and consortia) had really become the main event.
- Categories
- Environment
January 19
2012Decentralized, Distributed and Disruptive: The New Diseconomies of Scale
Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, economies of scale have ruled the day, with massive investments in power plants, pipelines, factories, and transmission lines to name a few. But increasingly, the technologies of tomorrow will be decentralized, distributed in character and disruptive to incumbent firms and institutions.
- Categories
- Environment, Technology
Guest Articles
September 23
2011The Doughnut Hole in Sustainable Finance
Despite the recent upsurge in attention to "social," "impact," and "clean tech" investing, there is still a structural gap ? a doughnut hole ? in sustainable finance. But this also means that there is a huge opportunity for visionary financiers to invent the new investment categories and asset classes needed to fill this gap.
- Categories
- Environment, Technology
April 19
2010Remembering CK Prahalad – A Colleague’s Reflection
The untimely death of CK Prahalad has given me reason to pause and reflect on just how important this man has been, not only to the world, but to me personally. I first met him in 1985, as a recently-minted Ph.D. joining the faculty at the University of Michigan. At the time, I had little idea just how influential and life-shaping...
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