Articles by Rahul Chatterjee
Guest Articles
December 21
2020Bhavana Srivastava / Akhand Jyoti Tiwari / Rahul Chatterjee / Abhishek Gupta
When Inclusion is Not Inclusive: What Needs to Change to Achieve Meaningful Financial Inclusion for Women
India has achieved impressive growth in women's financial inclusion — recent statistics show that 79% of the country's women are financially included. But according to analysts at MSC, there are troubling questions about whether these women are truly benefiting from their newfound financial access. They discuss why financial inclusion often fails to impact female customers, and how viewing financial services for women through the lens of gender centrality could help.
- Categories
- Finance
Guest Articles
December 16
2020Aakash Mehrotra / Rahul Chatterjee / Mohak Srivastava / Monica Dutta
A Paradigm Shift for Fintechs: Why a Coherent Data Strategy Has Become a Business Necessity
The global increase in internet access has led to an explosion in digital data, with 33 zettabytes produced in 2018 alone – a number predicted to increase to 175 zettabytes by 2025 (1 zettabyte is 1 trillion gigabytes). Meanwhile, the advent of machine learning and the Internet of Things has changed the way businesses process this information. Analysts at MicroSave (MSC) explore how fintechs can leverage this new data and analytics technology to obtain a competitive edge – and to benefit their customers.
- Categories
- Finance, Technology
Guest Articles
October 1
2020Rahul Chatterjee / Saloni Tandon / Sonal Jaitly / Aakash Mehrotra
Gender: The Blind Spot of the COVID-19 Response in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
The COVID-19 pandemic is imposing a disproportionately higher socio-economic cost on women. As Melinda Gates put it, “COVID-19 is gender-blind, but not gender-neutral.” Analysts at MSC discuss four potential types of fallout from COVID-19 that will have lasting socio-economic impacts on women in India and other low- and middle-income countries, based on multiple studies that MSC conducted between March and July of this year.
- Categories
- Coronavirus, Finance, Technology