Making Subsidies Smarter: How to Create More ‘Bang for the Buck’ in Blended Finance
Blended finance can be a powerful approach to closing the SDG financing gap – and as Bjoern Struewer at Roots of Impact argues, it inevitably involves subsidies. But for those subsidies to be worthwhile, they must be provided in return for tangible development impact – and not eaten up by the cost of maintaining complex financial structures. Struewer explores how subsidies should be leveraged to maximize the impact of blended finance.
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- Investing
Waiting Game: Where is All the Investment in Solar-Powered Productive Use Appliances?
The solar industry has helped over 360 million people in off-grid communities gain access to basic electricity – and the sector is moving beyond just lighting. Many companies now offer household appliances and, increasingly, “productive-use” appliances that support income-generating activities. However, investment in companies deploying these technologies remains minimal. Leslie Labruto at Acumen and Jeff Stottlemyer at CLASP explore the problem, and some potential solutions.
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- Energy
Press Release: World’s First $10 Million Sanitation Development Impact Bond Launches
A groundbreaking initiative to bring safe sanitation to some of the poorest and most vulnerable households in Cambodia launches today. The Cambodia Rural Sanitation DIB is the world’s first Development Impact Bond for sanitation and aims to eradicate the high rates of open defecation in the country and accelerate the Cambodian government’s efforts to reach universal sanitation.
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- Asia Pacific
In People and Dollars, Energy Access Is Growing by Billions: GTM’s Off-Grid Energy Access Forum Explores Why
Previously ignored off-grid populations are quickly becoming a fundamental piece of the energy transition puzzle: 2018 was a banner year for energy access investing, and 2019 is already on pace to surpass it. But as the sector continues to mature, some key issues demand attention, writes Benjamin Attia at Wood Mackenzie. Many of those critical themes will be on the agenda at Greentech Media’s Off Grid Energy Access Forum, taking place Oct. 2 in London.
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- Energy
With So Many Financial Instruments Out There – When and How to do Results-Based Financing
The field of results-based financing has taken root, and several new mechanisms have sprouted – from humanitarian impact bonds to outcomes funds. But while development impact bonds and their many variations are getting attention, too many organizations are working backwards to fit them into a particular program or context, write Kate Sturla and Ellen Anderson at IDinsight. They suggest three questions foundations, investors and intermediaries should ask to first diagnose their objectives, then select the right instruments to meet them.
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- Investing
Investors With US$2 Billion Urge Donors to Ramp up Support for Mini-Grids in Africa
Specifically, the 12 investors, which have more than US$2 billion under management, said that the missing catalyst for scaling mini-grids was an effective results-based financing (RBF) mechanism.
Daring to Think Big: Why It’s Time to Scale Impact-Linked Finance
The 2030 deadline for reaching Sustainable Development Goal targets may sound far off, but for German-based impact advisory firm Roots of Impact, the “SDG financing abyss” is an urgent issue. Three of the organization's leaders say financing the SDGs will require new approaches to investing, including impact-linked finance – a merging of blended finance, impact investing and results-based finance. They lay out a blueprint for accelerating impact-related finance by incorporating outcome funds, utilizing technologies like blockchain and other strategies in this illuminating post.
PayGo vs. MFIs: What Works Better for Energy Access Consumer Financing – And Does it Have to Be Either/Or?
Many last-mile customers can’t afford clean energy products without financial solutions to help pay for them. Energy enterprises often meet this need in two different ways: by partnering with microfinance institutions (MFIs) to provide loans to customers, or by offering pay-as-you-go (PayGo) financing options. The United Nations Capital Development Fund’s CleanStart program has supported energy providers using both of these models, and Teresa Le, an energy finance consultant at the program, explores their relative merits and challenges.